V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: the remains or a trace of something that was there, but no longer exists

Synonyms: trace, remains, remnant, evidence, shadow


Tips: Vestige is derived from the Latin word vestigium, "footprint." Think of the way a footprint represents a foot that was once in that place, but isn't anymore. In biology and anatomy, a vestige is a body part that hasn't been fully developed or is no longer functional. Something described as vestigial is a trace of what once was.

Usage Examples:

The appendix is a vestige that no longer serves a purpose in the human body. (remnant, non-functioning body part)

My grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's disease and is now a vestige of the vibrant, intelligent woman she once was. (shadow)

All that remained after the fire was a vestige of the building. (remnant, remains)

The little church is the last vestige of a once-thriving village. (remains, evidence)

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