V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: extreme indulgence in immoral or self-indulgent behavior

Synonyms: corruption, degeneracy, dissolution, dissipation, immorality, impropriety, indulgence, lechery, lewdness

Antonyms: purification, morality, propriety, piety

Tips: Debauchery is more extreme than immoral behavior; it implies a complete abandonment of responsibility or principle and a total embrace of corruption. It is a term of judgment and opinion rather than of objective fact; thus it may be used to describe things that are extreme in someone's eyes, but not really immoral.

Usage Examples:

Much of what was considered debauchery in the 19th century is now widely regarded as merely good fun. (immorality, degeneracy)

The sheer debauchery of the American family's habits shocked their proper British nanny. (impropriety)

The young men engaged in a night of debauchery at their friend's bachelor party. (indulgency, lechery, impropriety)

The University tried to put an end to debauchery by disallowing fraternities at the campus. (impropriety, degeneracy, immorality)

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