V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: 1. using as few words as possible to achieve brevity of expression; 2. comprehensive but without superfluous detail--to the point

Synonyms: succinct, laconic, brief, precise, terse, condensed

Antonyms: expansive, lengthy, rambling, verbose

Tips: From e-mails to text messaging, memos and press releases, business correspondence requires comprehensive information in a speedy, concise format.

Usage Examples:

Journalism school will teach you how to be concise in your relay of information. (brief, succinct)

Keep the speech informative but concise, because the crowd is restless. (to the point, brief)

I need a concise explanation of exactly what happened here. (condensed, precise)

The report was concise; thorough, but not verbose. (laconic, precise)

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