V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: 1. to rebuke or scold somebody mildly, but earnestly; 2. to advise somebody to do or, more often, not to do something; 3. to indicate duties or obligations

Synonyms: reprove, chide, scold, rebuke, warn, advise, caution

Antonyms: commend, praise, compliment

Tips: Admonish is derived from the Latin monere, �to warn,� also the source for the word "monitor." To admonish is to scold and rebuke, but not in a harsh manner. It's more to help the person learn from a mistake so they don't make it again. That is, to warn somebody of potential harm. The idea of admonishing a child for not looking before he crosses the street is a good example. Admonish is related to the word rebuke. See rebuke for a detailed analysis.

Usage Examples:

They were admonished against making any self-incriminating statements in court. (advised, cautioned)

The mother admonished her child for eating cookies before dinner. (scolded, chided)

The coach admonished the team for their poor play. (rebuked)

The judge is known for admonishing attorneys who lead witnesses in his court. (reproving, scolding)

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