V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: official approval or recognition
Synonyms: approval, recognition, assent, endorsement, ratification, support
Antonyms: disapproval, reproof, dissatisfaction
Tips: Approbation often carries an official connotation and is used most often in formal or official settings. Approbation is an official way of saying "approval." The adjective approbatory refers to something expressing approval.
Usage Examples:
The committee's approbation of the proposal meant that the project could begin. (approval, ratification)
His quest to join the exclusive club was eventually met with approbation, when several members sponsored him. (approval, support)
The Vice-Presidential nominee accepted his nomination with approbatory remarks. (approving, accepting) adjective
With the approbation of the court, the father will be allowed to visit his children regularly, even though he and their mother never married. (approval)
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