V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: to free from blame, suspicion, or doubt through indisputable proof

Synonyms: exonerate, absolve, acquit, prove, maintain, uphold

Antonyms: accuse, convict, incriminate

Tips: Vindicate is derived from the Latin vindicatus, past participle of vindicare, "to lay claim to" or "to avenge." Think, "laying claim to innocence." For a memory trick, note how vindicate sounds a little like "win the case." If you win your court case, you will be vindicated and proven right in a court of law. Vindicate is related to exonerate and exculpate. See exonerate for additional analysis.

Usage Examples:

The scientist's research on stem-cell therapy was vindicated years after his findings were published. (upheld)

Certain celebrities who commit crimes may be vindicated in court but will not necessarily be innocent in the public mind. (exonerated, acquitted)

The charges against me are false and I will be vindicated in a court of law. (absolved, proven [innocent])

The candidate was vindicated of any wrongdoing when his opponent publicly confessed that he had started the rumors himself. (absolved)

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