V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: lacking imagination, flavor, or significance--dull
Synonyms: dull, spiritless, lifeless, flat, insipid, unimaginative, prosaic, uninteresting, vacuous
Antonyms: flavorful, interesting, lively
Tips: Vapid is derived from the Latin vapidus, which means "flat, that which has lost its vapor." Think, "flat and flavorless." Vapid is used to describe flat (or flavorless) foods and flat (or unimaginative) speech or people. Vapid is related to the words insipid and prosaic. Insipid means "having no flavor--tasteless and bland." Prosaic means "dull, unimaginative, ordinary, uninteresting." Although vapid (flat) and insipid (tasteless) are often used to describe both food and performances, prosaic is usually used to describe overly boring or ordinary things.
Usage Examples:
She said the worst part of her surgery was the vapid hospital food she was forced to eat during her recovery. (bland, dull)
The plot of the movie was so vapid I ended up leaving the theater early. (unimaginative, prosaic, uninteresting)
It was supposed to be a political debate, but it was really just vapid discourse with little substance. (inane, insipid, spiritless)
I was fired from my creative position because the director said my ideas were vapid. (unimaginative, prosaic, dull)
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