V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: 1. having good sense and judgment; 2. being careful and sensible

Synonyms: careful, cautious, discreet, wise, sagacious, judicious, sensible, practical, discerning, guarded, mindful, tactful, thrifty, economical, watchful, circumspect

Antonyms: imprudent, foolish

Tips: Prudent is often used to denote self-restraint in speech or behavior, as in "she maintained a prudent silence." Prudent is synonymous with discreet and judicious. Prudent is best used to describe someone who is wise, and also conservative, risk-averse, circumspect, and careful in making decisions. A prudent decision is one that carefully assesses potential consequences, while a judicious one is wise and shows sound thinking, with less focus on being cautious. Discreet usually is more specific and describes someone who is very careful about not offending people, which would also be considered prudent. The noun prudence refers to caution, discretion, or sound judgment.

Usage Examples:

He was quite prudent in his spending habits and always had plenty of savings in the bank. (cautious, sensible)

She was always prudent when giving criticism, so as not to offend anyone. (guarded, tactful, discreet)

Her financial prudence was rewarded with growing investments. (good judgment, sagacity) noun

It is always prudent to have a firm contract in place before accepting a new job. (wise, sensible)

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