V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: 1. likely to prevent; 2. expensive and therefore likely to prevent purchase or use
Synonyms: exclusive, preventative, forbidding, preclusive, restrictive, exorbitant (cost)
Antonyms: encouraging, reasonable (referring to cost)
Tips: Prohibitive most often refers to the high price or cost of something, making it unobtainable for many or most people. Think of the related verb prohibit, which means "to prevent" or the related adjective prohibited, which means "strictly not allowed."
Usage Examples:
I want a new high-definition television, but the price is prohibitive. (exorbitant)
The high-class nightclub maintained a prohibitive dress code. (exclusive, restrictive)
I would really like to take an extended vacation, but the high cost of travel is just too prohibitive. (preventative, exorbitant)
We want this product to be considered high-end, but we don’t want to price it so high that it becomes prohibitive for most people to purchase it. (restrictive)
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