V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: open to view, not hidden

Synonyms: open, apparent, obvious, unconcealed, clear, evident, manifest, palpable

Antonyms: hidden, concealed, covert

Tips: Overt comes ultimately from the Latin word for "open." Its direct opposite is covert, which means "hidden or concealed." When you do something overtly, you do it in a very open and obvious way.

Usage Examples:

Although he didn't criticize me overtly, I could tell that he wasn't happy with my job performance. (obviously, openly) adverb

In an overt show of support, the President met publicly with the candidate he hoped would succeed him. (unconcealed, clear)

His overt hostility toward his co-workers makes those who have to work with him nervous and uncomfortable. (obvious)

Since he never showed any overt physical signs of his life-threatening disease, and no one knew he was ill. (obvious, evident)

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