V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: 1. to become prominent in an unappealing way; 2. to be pushy or overly opinionated
Synonyms: push, thrust, grow, intrude, force, impose, interfere, butt in
Antonyms: allow, stand back
Tips: For a memory trick, think of obtrude as obnoxiously intruding. The adjective form of obtrude is obtrusive. It means 'prominent or intrusive.' Obtrusive usually refers to something that obnoxiously interferes or intrudes on something else.
Usage Examples:
He always obtrudes his religious beliefs on others in a way that is pushy and unkind, rather than educational. (pushes, imposes)
I don't mean to obtrude my advice upon you, but I wouldn't take that job. (thrust, impose)
I didn't really want to obtrude into the conversation, but I couldn't just stand back and allow the gossip to continue. (intrude, butt in, interfere)
The obtrusive billboard spoiled the view. (protruding, prominent, intrusive) adjective
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