V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: the state of being known or famous for something negative

Synonyms: infamy, disrepute, ill-fame, reputation

Antonyms: renown

Tips: The difference between famous and notorious (famous for something bad) is that notoriety is usually for something negative and fame for something positive. The words notoriety and infamy are synonymous, as are notorious and infamous. Use notorious to describe someone who is known for a bad quality: "He is notorious for showing up late." Use infamous to describe someone who has gained fame or notoriety for doing something very bad and has a bad reputation because of it.

Usage Examples:

Al Capone gained incredible notoriety as a criminal. (infamy, ill-fame)

Her uncle was a notorious gambler. (infamous) adjective

The actress achieved notoriety for being married and divorced more times than anyone. (infamy)

Her notoriety as a diva preceded her wherever she went. (reputation)

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