V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: 1. a connection between individuals or a link in a series; 2. a connected group; 3. a central focus

Synonyms: connection, relation, link, liaison, bond, tie

Antonyms: separation, divide

Tips: Nexus is derived from the Latin nectere, "to bind." Use nexus as a sophisticated way of describing a connection or relation. Since something central often connects outside things to each other, nexus has also come to denote a center of focus.

Usage Examples:

Those who would like to see some type of campaign finance reform hope to break the nexus between money and politics. (connection, link)

Scientists believe they have found the nexus between modern man and pre-humans. (link)

A good account service manager becomes the nexus between his company and his clients. (connection, liaison)

The nexus between the families can be traced back many generations. (bond, tie)

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