V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: hairy, especially, covered in stiff hair
Synonyms: hairy
Antonyms: bare
Tips: Hirsute is sometimes used to describe plants covered with stiff hairs. It comes from the Latin hirsute, "shaggy." For a memory trick, note how hirsute looks and sounds like "Hair Suit." Some men have so much body hair, they look like they have a hair suit when they take off their shirt. They would be considered hirsute.
Usage Examples:
It is a tall plant with hirsute leaves. (hairy)
He was a bit shy about his hirsute back and chest. (hairy)
I find it ironic that so many men with hirsute bodies end up going bald. (hairy)
The hirsute rug was made of micro fibers. (hairy, shaggy)
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