V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary



Definition: no longer living, existing, or functioning

Synonyms: dead, extinct, inactive, deceased, obsolete, expired

Antonyms: surviving, continuing

Tips: Defunct comes from the Latin word defungi, "to finish." Its use implies that something used to exist, but now has lapsed or been abandoned, causing it to no longer exist ("a defunct publication"). Defunct may also mean "dead" ("the boy's defunct goldfish"), but this is not a common usage. Defunct is synonymous with obsolete. Defunct means dead and no longer in existence, while obsolete means outdated and no longer of use. Something can become defunct (dead, no longer in use) because it became obsolete (outdated and no longer of use, replaced by something better).

Usage Examples:

The B-1 bomber was widely used in the early days of the air force, but it is now defunct due to its inefficient fuel consumption. (obsolete, inactive)

Some defunct theories of education have recently been resurrected by teachers who wish to return to the stricter standards of an earlier time. (inactive, extinct)

I can't believe you still use that computer software; I thought it was long defunct. (inactive, obsolete)

The once-prosperous company went defunct when changes in technology made the components it manufactured obsolete. (dead, inactive)

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