V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary
Definition: germ-free or designed to protect against infection and germs
Synonyms: sterile, sanitary, antiseptic
Antonyms: dirty, contagious
Tips: Aseptic is derived from the Greek sepein, "to make rotten." Think of the word septic and a septic tank--the tank that holds all the waste from your toilet. The "a" creates the opposite meaning: clean.
Usage Examples:
I know my dentist's tools are completely aseptic because after they are sterilized, they are sealed in protective packaging until ready for use. (sterile, sanitary)
An aseptic environment will prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. (sanitary)
Doctors autoclave their operating tools so that they will be aseptic. (sterile)
After summoning help, first aid may be given by applying pressure to the wound with an aseptic bandage. (sterile)
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